As students begin their learning in HSIE they study two topics of Geography;
- Landscapes and Landforms' (Term One)
- Place and Liveability (Term Two)
These two topics focus on the georgraphical processes that shape our planet and the many interconnecting reasons for human settlement in particular locations.
Students are introduced to the skills that will continue to be developed throughout the Geography course, these are:
- Map reading
- Graph and statisic analysis
- Interperting visual representations
- Exploring and appling spatial technologies.
In semester two the students begin the History course by 'Investigating the Ancient Past' before studying ancient civilizations, such as Ancient Egypt and Ancient China.
History develops an interest in, and enjoyment of, exploring the past and proving opportunities for examining events, people and societies from ancient times.
Each term will have at least one assessment task and the assessment schedule will be provided to students at the begining of each semester.