Year 10 English

Here at Chifley College Mt Druitt we know how import Year 10 is for our students, as they prepare to select their pathways for further learning and development.
The English course of study has been carefully designed to prepare our students for further study in Year 11 and Year 12, as well as equip them with essential literacy skills required in the workplace and everyday life.
Key focus areas for Year 10 English are:
- Extended writing, particularly essay writing
- Language conventions and writing skills, particularly writing in paragraphs
- Analytical skills in responding to fiction and non-fiction texts.
Another important aspect of Year 10 study is the need for students to assume responsibility for their learning. This is especially relevant to the need for students to bring the necessary equipment to class each lesson. Equipment required for Year 10 English is:
- A 100+ page exercise book for classwork
- An equipped pencil case, particularly including: pens (blue/black and red), pencils (lead and coloured), glue and a ruler.
Course information for Year 10 English
Term 1
In their first term of Year 10, English students explore how media texts persuade their audiences in a unit titled 'Talk me into it! The Art of Persuasion'. Classes will explore topical and controversial issues by analysing how they are represented in the media. Students will develop their ability to write using formal language, as well as expand their skills in critical analysis.
This term's assessment will require students to select a current and interesting issue that appeals to them and compose a feature article that persuasively explores the issue. This assessment task is due in Week 10, however copies of the task will be distributed in Week 6, to allow students additional time to submit a draft in order to receive feedback from their English teachers. Students are encouraged to take advantage of this opportunity to optimise their writing and results.
Key skills and content from this topic will also be tested in the half-yearly examination held in Term 2.
For more detailed information, download the Year 10 Term 1 unit overview (PDF 92KB)
Term 2
In Term 2, Year 10 English classes will undertake a unit of study titled 'Blood on the Boards: A Study of Dramatic Tragedy'. This topic will build on students' prior knowledge of the style and structure of dramatic texts (plays) by studying a Shakespearean tragedy. They will also expand their understanding of the tragedy genre by reading, watching and analysing key scenes from the play.
Students will showcase their understanding of important themes and ideas in the play (example: revenge, betrayal, love, fate, ambition) by creating a visual representation (poster or digital presentation) as their term two assessment task (due week nine). Key skills and content from this topic will also be tested in the half-yearly examination.
For further information, download the Year 10 Term 2 unit overview (PDF 95KB).
Term 3
Term 3 will see Year 10 students complete a unit that explores the genre of historical fiction, titled 'Playing with the Past'. Classes will explore the conventions of the historical fiction genre through close study of an historical fiction novel, as well as through viewing and reading other texts from this genre.
In this unit, students will develop their awareness of the importance of setting and context in narrative texts. Their assessment task will further develop their critical analysis and independent research skills as they will be required to compile a portfolio of their own analytical reflections on three historical fiction texts. This task will be due in week 10 of term three.
For additional details, download the Year 10 Term 3 unit overview (PDF 314KB).
Term 4
Year 10's final term before commencing senior studies will prepare them for Stage Six English. Year 10 students from all Chifley College campuses undertake a common unit to prepare them for Senior English called an Area of Study. In this unit students will be exploring the theme of 'Identity' by closely examining a number of texts. Students will also be required to locate and analyse their own supplementary texts related to 'Identity'.
Year ten students from across the college complete an essay in examination conditions as their final English assessment for year ten. Interestingly, this essay is marked by a team of teachers from all campuses to further prepare students for their coming transition to senior studies.
To read further information, download the Year 10 Term 4 unit overview (PDF 93KB).
Assessment and homework for Year 10 English
In Year 10 English, students undertake three assessment tasks and two examinations. Each task is weighted at 20% meaning all tasks are of equal value in calculating a student's overall result.
A Life Skills alternative task will also be provided to students undertaking that course of study.
Term 1
In class topic test (Week 10)
Term 2
Visual Representation and Speech (due Week 9)
Half-Yearly Examination (Week 5)
Term 3
Historical Fiction Portfolio (due Week 10)
Term 4
Yearly Examination (Week 5)
Information about all assessment tasks can be sought from Ms Kavanagh (Head Teacher of English) via email at
Wide-reading is an essential component of learning in English (and, we passionately believe, an enjoyable part of life!) and students are encouraged to read for at least half an hour of an evening.
Students are also assigned fortnightly spelling tests which are pre and post-tested in class. Students are aware that they are expected to practise their spelling lists at home. The 'Look/Cover/Write/Check' method is taught in class as a way to revise their spelling words.
Every student in Year 10 has a Literacy Planet log in. Literacy Planet is an engaging online literacy program that teaches students the fundamentals of reading, spelling, comprehension, grammar and phonics. Tasks and interactive games can be accessed through the website. Students are encouraged to log in from home and complete a variety of tasks to build their literacy skills. For more information, visit the Literacy Planet website.
See your English teacher for your Literacy Planet login details.
Additionally, assessment tasks are issued each term and students are encouraged to work on these in their own time at home. Furthermore, revision of classwork (through methods recommended in class) is encouraged.
Literacy Planet