Students in Year 7 and Year 8 study two years of the Technology Mandatory course.
The course gives students an understanding of design processes and enables them to manage, interpret, shape and alter their environment to improve their quality of life at home, school, in work places and in the broader community. Students use design processes that encourage flexibility, resourcefulness and imagination in the solving of problems.
Students learn about technologies and use a range of materials, tools and techniques to solve real problems in response to needs and opportunities for customers, clients or themselves.
Thinking skills are developed through the Technology (Mandatory) course as students design and make. Flexible and creative thinking skills are encouraged to build understanding of principles that can be transferred to different projects. Practical experience leads students to develop, select and apply skills involved in designing and producing.
Technology (Mandatory) builds on Science and Technology K–6 and is the foundation course in Secondary education that provides broad experience in a range of contexts that can be further explored in Technology elective courses in Year 7 to Year 10 such as Timber, IST, Graphics and Food classes and continues for the students' HSC years.
Students will be prepared for lifelong learning and career opportunities in the study of design and related fields. Our programs should recognise and reflect relevant State and Commonwealth legislation, regulations and standards including Occupational Health and Safety and Chemical Safety in Schools.
On-Guard website
Students learn the required rules and procedures via our online safety program On-Guard. Students can access On-Guard from home to complete their safety training outside of school hours. For more information, visit the On-Guard website.