MultiLit (making up lost time in literacy) is a commercial reading program developed by the MultiLit Research Unit at Macquarie University.
It is suitable for all ages from 5 to adult. At Mount Druitt Campus the program is delivered by trained teachers. Parents and peer tutors can also be trained to deliver the program.
"Children who have failed to learn to read in the first few years of schooling need intensive, systematic reading instruction if they are not to fall behind, or even become complete non-readers."
This program is not for every student but it is ideal for students who have no strategies for working out new or difficult words. When they come to a word they don't know they give up or ignore it.
MultiLit is a balanced reading program that focuses on three main areas:
- Word attack skills - teaching sounds and letter correspondences.
- Sight words recognition
- Supported book reading in a one-to-one context (using Pause, Prompt and Praise to help low progress readers).
Students are assessed for suitability for the program and then a timetable is developed for them to be withdrawn from half of a lesson regularly. Student progress is recorded in their personal work book.
At present there are a number of students timetabled for MultiLit. If you would like to know more about the program, please contact Ms Kavanagh from Teaching and Learning on 9625 9750.